Dr. Randy Butler, DBA, PMP
With a career spanning over 50 years, Dr. Randy Butler has worked in both the public and private sectors executing projects in transportation operations, intelligent transportation systems, business development and program management of the freight, rail, and economic sectors. He serves as the firm’s technical strategy leader and leads the transportation program management of the freight, rail, and economic sectors of business development.
Randy, a highly recognized Project Management Professional, has experience with the development and deployment of ITS connected vehicle technologies to improve safety and efficiency throughout the transportation network. He also leads several ITS deployment projects: Smart Columbus Truck Platooning (part of the USDOT Smart City Challenge grant) and Port of Los Angeles FRATIS deployments.
Through his previous experience as technology program manager for freight operations at the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and assistant VP at Union Pacific Railroad, Randy has consistently used multiple emerging technologies to deliver projects on time and within budget.
“My favorite part of the job is setting up and managing projects,” he says.

My favorite part of the job is setting up and managing projects.