CDM Smith at WEFTEC 2022

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CDM Smith at WEFTEC 2022
September 6, 2022
Don't miss out on our experts' presen­ta­tions at the WEFTEC 2022 Conference.

Monday, October 10th

10:00 - Innovation and the Circular Water Economy presented by Amy Corriveau, Trinnex 

1:45 - Putting the Principles of Sustain­abil­ity and Resiliency into Practice: The GLSD Organics to Energy Project presented by Dustin Craig

 3:30 - Wastewater Surveil­lance Program Management and Execution: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic presented by Greta Zornes

3:30 - Collection Systems and Design Construc­tion Challenges presented by Jonathan Kunay

Tuesday, October 11th

8:30 – Pyrolysis and Gasi­fi­ca­tion presented by K. Richard Tsang

10:30 – Technology Spotlight: Collection System Condition Assessment Tech­nolo­gies – The Right Tool for the Job presented by Jonathan Kunay

10:30 - Wastewater Surveil­lance: Innovative Approaches to Support Public Health During COVID presented by Jessica Addison and Zach Bolain

1:30 - MS4s and the Clean Water Act Session Virginia Roach joins the panel

3:35 - Occurrence of Poly- and Perflu­o­roalkyl Substances in U.S. Water Resource Recovery Facilities presented by Jen Hooper

Wednesday, October 12th

9:00 – One Water Honolulu: Addressing Climate Resiliency in Low Lying Areas Subject to Flooding in Honolulu, Hawaii presented by Bill Fernandez

9:20 – Identifying Elusive Infil­tra­tion: Lessons Learned From A Service Lateral Dye Water Flooding Pilot Program presented by Dave Burnett

10:30 – Peracid Progress: Using On-Site Generated PAA, Delivered PAA, and Performic Acid presented by Brian Hilts

12:30 – Drones, Mixed, Reality, AI presented by Scott Aldridge in the Innovation Theater

2:30 – CFD Evaluations to Improve Chemical Disin­fec­tion Performance presented by Carrie Knatz

Richard Tsang Richard Tsang
K. Richard Tsang
Tsang was recently honored as a WEF Fellow, recognizing the profes­sional achievement, stature, and contri­bu­tions to the preser­va­tion and enhancement of the global water environment in the practice areas served by WEF. 
CDM Smith senior vice president and WEF Fellow
Meet Richard
The world of spread­sheets is turning Upside Down.
Visit Trinnex at Booth 3160 in the Discovery Zone to experience “Digital Things.”
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