
CDM Smith's integrated suite of sediment capa­bil­i­ties encompasses the entire project life cycle. From initial char­ac­ter­i­za­tion, selection and design of remedies to the construc­tion and operation of remedial actions, our experts deliver tangible results on time and cost-effectively. Partner with CDM Smith on your next sediment project, and our peerless team of trans­dis­ci­pli­nary scientists and engineers will optimize and deliver a customized approach to reach your remediation goals.
Ernest Ashley Ernest Ashley
Effective communication is key to obtaining ‘informed consent’ for sediment remediation projects.
Ernest C. Ashley, CPG, LEP, LSP, CHMM Vice President
Troubled Waters Ayer model
PFAS Solutions
Our engineers and scientists are working tirelessly to solve the world’s most complex cont­a­m­i­na­tion challenges. Explore our solutions to the latest threats to public health.

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