Health & Safety

Health & Safety
Safety first. Our clients expect it, we demand it and our employees live it. CDM Smith's health and safety (H&S) program is based on the principles that people are our greatest asset, accidents and injuries are preventable, and everyone is responsible for safety. 

Health and Safety performance is considered a primary factor in the success of any project or activity we undertake. Our Health and Safety Program is based on the principles that people are our greatest asset and injuries and illnesses are preventable. 

CDM has been a leader in the area of health and safety for more than 20 years. We were a founding member of the Environmental Business Action Coalition Health and Safety Committee, are a member of the National Safety Council and support our health and safety professionals in leadership positions in industry associations and professional societies.

Our overlying messaging is our THINK SAFE moto where CDM Smith ingrains the process of stopping to think about the task to ensure it is safe for all aspects of our activities.