CDM Smith Cares

CDM Smith Cares

CDM Smith CaresThe CDM Smith Cares programme en­cour­ages employee-led vol­un­teer outreach ac­tiv­i­ties that build com­mu­nity and improve quality of life through local efforts. Our em­ploy­ees have a strong com­mit­ment to helping com­mu­ni­ties—our own and those in need around the world. We are active, caring citizens who con­tribute thou­sands of hours annually to civic and char­i­ta­ble causes. We are global citizens, an­swer­ing the call of those in dis­tressed com­mu­ni­ties, helping others to help them­selves, and creating legacies of hope for future gen­er­a­tions.

What Giving Back Looks Like at CDM Smith

With "Engineers Without Borders" on site in West Laikipia, Kenya: new rainwater cisterns help to improve the water supply in dry areas.
Dublin Bake Sale - Bake sale in favour of Water for People.
CDM Smith in Chennai collects donations for Water for People.
With "Engineers Without Borders" on site in West Laikipia, Kenya: new rainwater cisterns help to improve the water supply in dry areas.
Dublin Bake Sale - Bake sale in favour of Water for People.
CDM Smith in Chennai collects donations for Water for People.
Adopt a Trail - With a clean-up campaign we help to protect the envi­ron­men­t
CDM Smith employee organises a science day for Syrian refugee children in Jordan to increase STEM exposure.
Adopt a Trail - With a clean-up campaign we help to protect the envi­ron­men­t
CDM Smith employee organises a science day for Syrian refugee children in Jordan to increase STEM exposure.
A CDM Smith employee trains the cheer­lead­ing department in a gymnastics and high school club.
Partic­i­pa­ting in the annual J. P. Morgan Run our running team runs for good purpose.
A CDM Smith employee trains the cheer­lead­ing department in a gymnastics and high school club.
Partic­i­pa­ting in the annual J. P. Morgan Run our running team runs for good purpose.
Dedicated laptops from Europe help to improve the education of students in Tanzania.
Employees partic­i­pated in the YMCA Operation Backpack which collects supplies for under­priv­i­leged children.
Students learn about the importance of STEM education from a CDM Smith employee.
Dedicated laptops from Europe help to improve the education of students in Tanzania.
Employees partic­i­pated in the YMCA Operation Backpack which collects supplies for under­priv­i­leged children.
Students learn about the importance of STEM education from a CDM Smith employee.
At the annual European CDM Smith Summer Party, employees donate to Water for People as part of a raffle.
Employees spent the day exploring the city with children and a group of CDM Smith's employees performed for them.
At the annual European CDM Smith Summer Party, employees donate to Water for People as part of a raffle.
Employees spent the day exploring the city with children and a group of CDM Smith's employees performed for them.

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without BordersThe goal of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is to make an im­pact to those com­mu­ni­ties that seek help by en­gag­ing with them di­rectly to finding options for solving their prob­lems or meet­ing their basic needs. CDM Smith has been an official corporate partner of Engineers Without Borders - USA since 2007.


This part­ner­ship pro­vides sup­port in the fol­low­ing areas:

  • Safer drink­ing water

  • Ap­pro­pri­ate and im­proved san­i­ta­tion

  • Cross­ing difficult or unsafe terrain

  • Flood mit­i­ga­tion and/or ero­sion con­trol

  • Im­prov­ing farm­ing and pro­duc­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties

  • Pro­vid­ing con­sis­tent, re­li­able en­ergy

This com­mu­nity-dri­ven de­vel­op­ment ap­proach by EWB-USA while fos­ter­ing our fu­ture lead­ers is an ex­cel­lent match for CDM Smith and all its em­ploy­ees. The firm and our employees support EWB-USA financially and most importantly, our employees volunteer their time and ex­pertise on pro­gramme and pro­ject teams. For em­ploy­ees that di­rectly par­tic­i­pate, they can re­ceive grant funds for their ef­forts. In ad­di­tion, our em­ploy­ees lead local chap­ters, serve on com­mit­tees, and or­ga­nise fundrais­ing events to sup­port the work.

Since the in­cep­tion of our pro­gramme in 2007, we have funded 34 travel grants to­tal­ing in $162,000 to sup­port our em­ploy­ees’ vol­un­teer ef­forts on EWB-USA pro­jects around the world.

Water for People

10 CDM Smith employees in hiking gear at the top of a mountain with a check for Water For PeopleCDM Smith and our em­ploy­ees sup­port Water for People, an in­ter­na­tional hu­man­i­tar­ian or­ga­ni­sa­tion of ded­i­cated peo­ple who rec­og­nise water as a pri­mary build­ing block of life. Each year, our an­nual giv­ing cam­paign raises funds to help de­vel­op­ing com­mu­ni­ties gain ac­cess to safe drink­ing water, bet­ter san­i­ta­tion, and pub­lic health ed­u­ca­tion.


There are more than 1.8 bil­lion peo­ple lack­ing ac­cess to safe water and 2.4 bil­lion lack­ing ac­cess to ad­e­quate san­i­ta­tion. This prob­lem di­rectly con­tributes to the end­less cycle of ex­treme poverty that has dev­as­tat­ing ef­fects on so­ci­ety. Not only do our two or­ga­ni­sa­tions share the same be­lief that every human being de­serves last­ing ac­cess to safe water and san­i­ta­tion, but our em­ploy­ees are mo­ti­vated by the same set of core val­ues. It is this align­ment of mis­sion and promise of qual­ity of life that for­ti­fies our partnership.

Thank you!
Watch the video