How the Proposed LCRI Impacts Your Current Operations

How the Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements Impact Your Current Operations

on-demand webinar recorded January 2024
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) in November 2023. What do these proposed regulations mean for your utility and how do they differ from the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions?

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The U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Protection Agency released the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improve­ments (LCRI) in November 2023. What do these proposed regulations mean for your utility and how do they differ from the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions? 

Our panel of experts will cover proposed changes to activities involving inventory, replace­ments, distur­bances, water quality, corrosion control, sampling, and outreach. This webinar will also cover a timeline and recommended actions to prepare for compliance.

After watching, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the timeline of the proposed LCRI and recommended actions
  • Learn about the changes from the LCRR
  • Understand the impact on current compliance activities and operations, especially as it relates to inventory, replacement, distur­bances, water quality, corrosion control, sampling, and public outreach

Presented by Sandy Kutzing, Joanna Cummings, Trevor McProud and Courtney Schaumberg. Moderated by Carol Rego.