Moving Toward Microgrids

Moving Toward Microgrids
Matt Goss

Though district systems are used widely through­out Europe and are gaining traction else­where around the world, U.S. com­mu­ni­ties have been slower to adopt the central plant concept. This is partly due to readily avail­able low-cost energy sources, such as natural gas and elec­tric­ity, and the sig­nif­i­cant in­fra­struc­ture in­vest­ments needed to retrofit residential buildings and transmit thermal energy across the U.S. urban land­scape.

However, we must look beyond these short-term chal­lenges so U.S. mu­nic­i­pal­i­ties can benefit from distributed energy systems. Proof of their value can be seen during devastating natural events, such as Hur­ri­cane Sandy, when combined heat and power (CHP) enabled numerous in­fra­struc­ture systems to continue op­er­at­ing during and after the super storm. And the recently released “Combined Heat and Power Tech­ni­cal Po­ten­tial in the United States,” de­vel­oped by the U.S. De­part­ment of Energy, further promotes the prac­ti­cal im­ple­men­ta­tion of CHP projects.

The microgrid concept can take advantage of a community’s nearby resources, leveraging fuel flexibility for centralized energy delivery.
Matt Goss, Practice leader, Senior Vice President

By re­vi­tal­iz­ing and sup­ple­ment­ing cen­tral­ized systems with other sources, such as wind and solar, they become sus­tain­able, easy to maintain, and more reliable with built in re­dun­dan­cies. This mi­cro­grid concept—in­ter­con­nect­ing a variety of power sources for wide-spread neigh­bor­hood use—is gaining favor in North America. Recent reports indicate at least 400 mi­cro­grid projects are op­er­at­ing or underway around the world, with North America taking the overall market share in this de­vel­op­ment.

The micro-grid concept can take ad­van­tage of a com­mu­nity’s nearby re­sources, lever­ag­ing fuel flexibility for centralized energy delivery. For example, communities with great sun and wind can connect solar panels and wind turbines to their local grid. Waste­water recla­ma­tion, biomass, waste-to-energy and land­fills facilities can be used—and even collocated—to create thermal energy and elec­tric­ity for local benefit.

Whether through a central plant or mi­cro­grid system, these dis­trib­uted energy models are an in­creas­ingly im­por­tant part of our energy future, pro­vid­ing long-term grid re­li­a­bil­ity, energy efficiency and resiliency to withstand and recover from extreme weather.

Learn more from the De­part­ment of Energy:

Matt Goss is a senior vice pres­i­dent and the practice leader for energy in CDM Smith’s in­fra­struc­ture and tech­nol­ogy group. With more than 14 years of ex­pe­ri­ence, Matt is a licensed pro­fes­sional engineer in 14 states, is a LEED Ac­cred­ited Pro­fes­sional and is also a Cer­ti­fied Energy Manager, Cer­ti­fied Energy Auditor and Certified Demand Side Manager.

Matt Goss Matt Goss
Distributed energy models are an increasingly important part of our energy future.
Do you see microgrids in your future?
Contact Matt to learn more about distributed energy and how CDM Smith can help your project.
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